Quran Recitation


The process of memorizing  and studying the Holy Quran is a spiritual and physical undertaking. It’s a blessing and miracle from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala that you can learn the Qur’an. If you’d like to benefit from this blessedness, you need to be able to enjoy it, and consequently work hard to attain it and work spiritually to reap the greatest benefits from this life and in the future beyond. On Al Qari Academy you can learn the Quran that means you or your children will be able to master the Quran quickly and easily.

About The Course

  • Learn to read the Quran correctly
  • Learn to read the Quran by following Tajweed rules
  • Discover Tajweed rules and their applications
  • correcting your recitation mistakes
  • Revise and learn new learned rules
  • Learn how to pronounce every Quranic word
  • Learn to become an expert Quran reciter

Course Features


Course Details

This online Quran recitation course ensures you’ll gain the virtues every Muslim deserves in this life and the next by walking you through:

  • Arabic phonetics and phonology
  • Quran recitation techniques
  • Rules of stopping (Waqf)
  • The Tanween and Shaddah

With experienced and attentive tutors, you’ll easily switch from reading short surahs to reciting the longest ones. The more you listen to the recitation of a Qari, the better your pronunciation becomes. Commitment and ongoing practice will perfect your skills in the long term.

Free Trial Lessons
Reasonable Prices
Male/Female Teachers

Students Say



"I was very hesitant to take an online Quran class, but I'm so glad I did! My teacher is amazing and has helped me improve my recitation and understanding of the Quran so much. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to learn the Quran online."

Sarah Quran Memorization

I've been taking online Quran classes for a few months now and I've really enjoyed them. My teacher is very patient and understanding, and she always takes the time to answer my questions. I've learned so much about the Quran and I'm really grateful for this opportunity."

Ahmed Quran Reading

"I was a bit nervous about taking an online Quran class, but I was pleasantly surprised. My teacher is very knowledgeable and engaging, and she makes learning the Quran fun. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking for a flexible and convenient way to learn the Quran."

Mariam Tajweed Rules

Being a busy professional, online Quran classes have allowed me to pursue my Quranic studies without compromising my work commitments. The experienced teachers I have encountered have made the memorization process enjoyable and engaging. The online platform's features, such as the virtual whiteboard and recitation audios, have enhanced my learning experience.

Jubier Quran Reading

Online Quran classes have made it possible for me to fulfill my desire to memorize the Quran while juggling my university studies. The flexibility to schedule classes at my convenience has been a game-changer. My teacher has been incredibly supportive, providing valuable feedback and helping me understand the deeper meanings of the verses.

Amelia Quran Memorization

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Yes, you can do that. For example, you can enroll in Arabic course and also study Quran Reading or Memorization at the same time.

First, you book a monthly membership of classes with one of our teachers then you will meet your teacher on Zoom as per the booking time. You need to install Zoom app on your device.

If you’re struggling to choose a course, you can book your free trial and the evaluator can help guide you to the right course for you.